Sunday, May 4, 2008

First Course

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

Rite, so here I go again with a brand new blog! as if i'd give up on something tht allows me 2 rant non-stop....even if there is only one person listening, last I checked (luv ya nikita!).
Hopefully this one will be more succesful!
In contrast 2 my last blog, lets start this one with just how perfect my life is! I'm in a wierdly-for-no-reason-happy mood, so dont blame me if u get jealous of d glossed over details of my life!:p

KAVYA'S BLESSINGS (in no particular order)

1 I get (almost) everything i want-like internet, food, books, all things tht my happiness originates from, I name it, I have it!!:D
2 I have broad-minded parents, who have wierd ways of showing it, but yeah, love me and indulge me FAR more than they ought 2, and will prolly put up with my radical independent girl thoughts when i have them later.
3 I live in a Fantastic, amazing house, with an entire floor almost 2 myself, a room thts everything i ever wanted(mayb cuz i asked dad 2 make it tht way..hehe) a bathtub, a 6-feet window, a staircase tht ensures tht i for one never have 2 worry about exercise (shudder), all located in a fantastic, green colony, the only downside being tht its in d corner of the middle of nowhere, but I manage:D
4 i have wonderful,loving,supportin,crazy,constantly-driving-me-up-the-wall, Imperfectly Perfect friends, who luv me for d crazy gal I am!
5 the knowledge tht i deserve none of the above, which makes it all the more precious!!

ofcourse, I have my share of problems(believe me i do!).....but i'll tell you about those when i'm deppressed.
so tomorrow is bhavna's b'day, and i'm going 2 her place tonight! gonna spend d day freaking out with her and nikz.....and considering its my only outing this summer, i hope i have loads of fun.
School's out and d hols have started, but in no way does it mean a break from studying for me...WAAAAAHHHH:((
i loathe studying. i swear i'm physically incapable of studying!
As usual i have no idea where my life's goin, but thts wats great about it!
anyway, thts ot for my 1st mite or mite not b good, but remember, u clicked on tht link!(and i swear i didnt use voodoo 2 make u do it *innocent face*)
There is never an end, but always a new beggining


Anonymous said...

awesum..sis tht is 2 kolll...u rock!!!( ya rite...hehe..)neway keep it up....i sound lyke a teach..!!!!
ur sis

kevin said...

good one. knowing you i'm doubtful of the voodoo involved, but i know i wo'nt regret clicking on the link ;-)