Sunday, July 3, 2011

Treacle Tart


Wotcher! I have just returned from my second goodbye to Harry Potter. A solemn moment of silence would be appropriate.

Ok, so not long ago you would have caught me complaining about how the movies would never match up to the books, but a little hypocrisy is allowed.Besides, I'm allowed to be sentimental,
I'm a girl.

11 years spent in enjoyment and speculation and wonder (and in my dad's case, sending money towards J.K. Rowling. He's one person who is glad that we've seen the last of this franchise :P ). Like many others, I grew up with Harry Potter(and wishing India had a Hogwarts equivalent). And because I was part of the phenomenon, I've come to hold it in uncritical affection. Say what you want, J.K.R. created a world that we all loved at one point or the other. So many memories, of books, movies, family time, and discussions with friends over the years (a common ice breaker, HP was). The one time where I forged a letter from Hogwarts for a friend turning 11. Good times, good times.

I do not say that it was worth the hype. Not my place, really. I only know, that in all the books I've ever read, and will come to read, my time spent with this series will always be something special.

My expectations were set at the right level to enjoy the last movie, and with the credits on that rolling, we have finally reached the official end of Harry Potter. (Yes, I know pottermore is there, but it is not yet promising, and JKR was far too mysterious in her video to inspire any interest in me.) After all this time, there's not much I can say. I find no better way to wrap it up, really, than to quote Dumbeldore's last words to Harry-

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?"

Monday, February 15, 2010

Coffee Bytes

"There might not be anyone who was born with a reason. I think that everyone might have to find one on their own. A reason for being born, a reason that it's okay to be alive, a reason to exist. I think everyone might have to find it for themselves, and decide it for themselves. It could be your dreams, your job, or a person. The reason you're looking for might be vague, unclear, and uncertain, but as long as you're alive, you have to keep searching for that reason."
- Tohru, fruits basket

Konnichiwa, mina-san. (Its japanese, look it up ). So, from the last time I wrote, the world has turned every day, and mine has moved a little forward. The first sessionals have gone by- my worst fear came true, and I DID get addicted to coffee 0.o It just u makes u feel so awake!! and in my case-well-happy. It was amazing what a powerful hold it had on me. It made me smile before a math exam!! However, in the end, it was just the high, and I learnt to my dismay that happiness bought in a cup doesn't last very long, and can't really compensate....

As for the sessionals, I messed up pretty bad. >.> apparently I'm better of procrastinating instead of studying ahead and then daydreaming just before the exam >.<.

Studies have taken a whole different meaning now. They... balance stuff out. In the middle of trying to find my centre, another lesson I learnt was that if there's something like studying to plague you regularly, your more inclined to appreciate the time you have to spend doing things you like.Its also a useful distraction for when you want to do fun stuff but are prevented from doing them.

Here is one of life's truth's - As hard as it is to accept something bad about yourself, sometimes its more difficult to learn something good about you.

There are times when the magic seems a little unbelievable, when its very easy to simply scoff and be moody. Times when you wish you simply didn't care.I also learn that the price comes later, and its certainly not worth it. I have barely gotten used to being 18, but somehow, I continue to try and grow everyday, while maintaining the wonder I always cherished. Fruits basket is an amazing support in such a case, with the most amazing advice and life philosophies.
I'm trying to move ahead, though I continue to be a little left of centre. Also, despite my best efforts, I caught myself thinking of the future. In just a few months, we'll be in our sencond year of college (and Saumy will be 20, as she hates to be reminded :P) There's so much to do, so very little time :D

Until the next blurb (blog),


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Instant Noodles- College Staple Diet

"I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it." XD

*slinks into spot light and blinks owlishly* Okay, okay! So its been a long time since I last wrote, but hey! College is a whirlpool. You get caught and dragged into this whole new storm. I'm finally getting used to it, even if it did take me *cough* an entire semester. (ooh, I had the time to turn 18 too :D)

Its amazing though. I've had a lot of crazy, fun moments in my life, but I've never had so many so close together before. Classes aside (long hours of mind-numbing boredom) I love college. My friends are on various levels of crazy (we should have our own criteria!) There's always some event or the other going on. You meet more people every day (for an introvert like me, this a wonder second only to the concept of morning walks). You laugh more, learn more, live more. Its exhilarating.

There are some things, however, that are thrown into stark contrast when you live on your own in hostel. The never ending travesty of doing your own laundry, for example. oh, and mom's home cooked food. I must have complained a million times in my short life that mom's cooking became boring too soon, and that I must order food from outside. Life, being the evil sadist it is, makes me regret it now.
And missing your best friends? Now there's something that won't ever go away, no matter how much you enjoy yourself everyday. Its like a part of you.

Its still a little hard to believe that I'm already in my second semester of college. It started of with a bang (not a good one. More like an old car backfiring really) But its looking up now. Physics cycle- as it is appropriately described by generations of students- sucks. Workshop is a debacle I'd rather not talk about.
Surprisingly, the most interesting class turns out to be Engineering Graphics (or maybe its the fact that I'm actually not so much of a hopeless twit when it comes to E.G. :p ) Our B.E. teacher is Hades personal torturer, people. We pray a meteorite hits him soon.

Oh,ya! In the Grumpy's words, I am now an I-person. Yes, I have a brand new, 160 GB, BLACK Ipod classic!!! I love that slab of pure heaven. With all my songs and fav videos, its my life jacket in the sea of eternal teenage angst. My world revolves around it (along with my laptop that is. They're a binary system :p).

Current obsession- F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Yes, I know its so old that its almost passe. But I have a soft spot for Chandler *pouts*

Well, that's the end of this round of nonsense shots.Having re-discovered my pen, (and penchant for well-worded sarcasm) I'll probably be blogging again soon (yea, I'm talking to you, dust bunnies) There will be plenty of material here in M.I.T after all.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Nut Cracker

"Sometimes good things fall apart, so that better things could fall together."

Reporting after 3 months, having survived hell itself. Those who have experienced it will sympathise. As for those who haven't, let me tell you; the time of college entrances has more horror than The Ring, The Grudge, and The Exorcist combined. And you thought the board exams were enough tension.

This is the time when everything you knew : about yourself, about your subject, and about the world; is taken together, disproved, and then attributed to someone else. Nothing is assured. In fat, its morbidly fascinating. You pick a random person, and guess; which entrances will they write? What will be their rank? Which stream, which city, which college? The answers are usually surprising.And of course, all of this is just to shut up the voices in your own head, asking the same questions about yourself.

Looks like they managed to drive you crazy after all.

So here I am, at the better side of hell. My result? Well, I got through Manipal. Yea, I'd rather not talk about the other six places I applied to. One of the secrets to keeping your sanity is denial; who cares how I performed in those?

Actually I'm pretty happy. Manipal might be a dead expensive private engineering college (every one of those five words depressing) but its got excellent infrastructure, and all in all might be the perfect place for a spoilt brat like me. And I got a decent rank, so I'll get a good stream. At least I know where I'm going. There are so many who have no idea where they might be sleeping the next month.

Speaking of which, the general public view towards hostels surprises and irritates me. For me, its a given. College and hostels go together. (with independence tagging along ;) ) And yet, everyone from my relatives to random bankers ask my parents, "How come you're sending your daughter so far away?" And it's not because I'm a girl or anything. I've known guys whose parents make even more of a fuss. How do you reply to something that questions a thing you've taken for granted? Its just weird. I mean, we all have to leave home someday, whether now, or four years later.

It hasn't sunk in though, the fact that in about a month I'll be gone from home. I guess it'll hit me later. In the meantime, my family has gained an appreciation for me like never before. I think I'll just bask in the attention for now. :)

Oh yea, and PARTY! After 3 years (since tenth) I finally don't have to even think about studying. I just came back after 4 fun filled days at Nikita's place, which were especially amazing because Nikita WON the Secunderabad May Queen!!! It took a lot of hard work on her part (and some boredom and menial tasks for me and a few others :p ) but it totally paid off. She at least, will be partying all month, if her prize vouchers are anything to go buy ;p
Plus, visited the chocolate room ( awesome place, everything from chocolate pizzas to chocolate pancakes) , the new '70 mm' Havemore (love the decor; and the prices!) and of course GVK One ( Huge, and stuffed with so many brands that your eyes hurt).

My counselling is coming up on the tenth, so I FINALLY get to go out of town (I had actually started to miss the sight of a railway station). Yay for shopping in Bangalore and beaches in Mangalore! oh, and a little hoot for getting a seat in Manipal too, I suppose.

So until the next time I manage to drag myself to the keyboard to bore you all.

With words,


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Table Manners

"Sarcasm is your body's natural defence against stupidity."

DISCLAIMER- The following article is purely based on the insane mumbling of a certain crazed authoress and is in no way intented to insult or demoralise any person and/or institution.

Ah, who am I kidding? Of course its meant to do that. XD


Attention all delinquents - er- students of Army School R.K.Puram. Given below are the commandments (because rules, apparently, are meant to be broken) that define improper conduct that should NOT be followed by our students.

1) Throwing stones at fellow stuents during lunch break simply because their lunch is tastier than yours is unacceptable.

2) Please do not stand right outside the school and indulge in destructive behaviour like smoking or setting of firecrackers. Although technically, by standing one meter away from the gate, you are out of the school's jurisdiction, anyone with a modicum of intelligence can make out that the moronic wannabe in the uniform belongs to said school. Also, you may learn that punishments are just as troublesome outside school as inside.

3)Kindly refrain from writing and/or scratching on your bench, whether it be your name, your friends' names, profanities, random symbols or names of your favourite music band. The school in no way wishes to interfere with the students freedom of expression or creativity but asks that it should be confined to appropriate medium like the back of your maths notebook, or your English class.
If however, by some miracle you desire to scribble your class notes, you may do so.

4) Students should learn that the last thing a birthday boy wishes is to be converged upon by a mob (much like bees after honey, or girls in a clearance sale) and be kicked to death on his own birthday. We are sure you appreciate the irony, but it is still unacceptable. It is far more appropriate to express your happiness for him through a mild handshake, or by stealing the lucky guys food.

5)It is inappropriate to ask permission to visit the toilet in the middle of class, walk up to the farthest toilet on campus and then turn your back on it and loiter. If the poor toilet itself does not feel offended, the people who work hard to clean it certainly do. Next time, if you have a sudden craving for fresh air, tell your teacher that you're suffering from a sudden attack of 'study-o-phobia'. It is certainly more plausible than an abrupt lapse into acute diarrhea.

Proper uniform A- Girls are requested to pull their duppattas down to an appropriate level. Female students should remember that these are duppattas, and NOT neck scarves.

7) Proper uniform B- Boys should wear trousers at appropriate waist levels as failing to do so permanently damages retinas and results in emotional scarring. Yes, seeing pants that are about to drop of is as bad as actually watching the pants drop. Worse, in fact, due to the suspense.

8) Kindly do not shout loudly when passing through the subway. Do not worry about alerting anyone coming from the opposite direction. The mirrors have been installed for that very purpose, as opposed to the popular misconception that they are there for the benefit of your appearance. It is not so.

9)Students are to keep in mind that the M.I. room is that small for a reason. Even if a sudden plague of headaches or multiple cases of stomach ache do coincidentaly occur among your set of friends, please refrain from crowding in the M.I. room. It is inevitable that it would start looking like the not-so-secret base of a bunch of chronic class bunkers. You can't blame the authorities for getting suspicious.

10) Students of opposite gender are FORBIDDEN from straying within a one metre radius of each other. Whats that? The stairs are only a few feet wide? Very well then, you may maintain a single file with a gap of two feet. Oh, and please do not strain to make yourself heard (i.e. shout). You may ask a teacher to pass on the message. At the teachers complete discretion, of course!

If any student fails to obey the above commandments, they shall undergo one of the following punishments-

a) Spend an entire day locked in a tiny cell with (former) Principal Rama Devi. ( enjoy the fragrance of rebellion! *evil snickers*)
b) Spend one day as Arun sir's personal assistant (i.e. the vent for all his frustration at his own shortcomings). Oh, wait, that would be the captains wouldn't it?
c) Be locked in a cubicle in one of the school toilets for over two hours (horror of horrors)

By the authority vested in us (by ourselves),
The Powers that Be ( now with an extra suspension-at-the-drop-of-an-hat ability!)

Oh yea, total insanity. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!


Friday, January 23, 2009

Dark Chocolate - Bittersweet

"Goodbye.... Goodbye all of you... Leaving is sad. So sad.
Things like partings are the beggining of meetings, and when there are endings there are begginings....Right now, I don't want to hear those kind of worn out words.
Please, cry with me. If nothing can be done, then for now, I want us to atleast cry together. For losing all that it held, and not having one gaurantee. The fear of living in the world once more, with just a small bit of hope as support.
Atleast cry. Cry. I want to cry, like the day I was first born into this world."
- Akito, Fruits Basket Manga

"Ugh, 12th just seems to stretch on forever. Comparitively, 11th just flew by. It was so much fun that we never realised when it ended."
When I first heard my senior say those words with a discontented sigh, I found it hard to believe that what she said might be true. At the age of 12, in seventh class, years of my only woe, school, seemed to stretch before me. When each day seemed to drag so, how could a year fly by, even if it was fun?
And now here I am, older, not much wiser, and definitely more experienced. I still find some fault with my senior. It wasn't just 11th that flew by. 12th did too.
And all of a sudden, the much hated school, is over.

Why is it, that as soon as you stand to lose something it suddenly appeals to you even more? Years spent in cursing school, wishing that dreaded institution would just go up in smoke, cherishing each holiday and thinking of excuses to bunk.... and now selfishly, I wish it had lasted longer.
The last two years I spent in school, ironically, are the best in my entire life. Perhaps it was because it was going to end. Perhaps it was as Nikita said, becuase we get more independence as seniors, and tend to have more fun than studies, instead of the other way around. Me, I think it was because of the pople I got to spend it with, and the times we enjoyed together. School doesn't symbolise torture anymore. To me, it has become a place to laugh of all my worries with my friends, and to enjoy ourselves without concern, a little longer. To all my firends- you guys are the best!! I can't put into words how much you mean to me( though you should have some idea. Hey, you make me miss school!)
I've posed for my last class photo ( no more agonising over how I look!! yea rite) and the Farewell is past us (Kudos to our juniors for that one. None of us are likely to forget that evening in a hurry). Nikita has been crowned Miss Popularity (No surprises there! Does being best friends with her mean I'm popular too?:p) and Jayant is Mr. Army School (talk about a dark horse).

And now our own personal midnight draws closer, when the spell is broken and reality is thrust upon us. As much as I wish it would never come, time doesn't stop, and unfortunately our magic isn't strong enough to sustain the spell. I can only hope that it is strong enough to tie us together in the harsh realm of reality, and remind us that happiness is inside of us, waiting for when we are together again.
So here I go, to figure out happiness, me,my friends, and the world in general. Wish me luck!


P.S. Here's the link to my fanfiction profile. Check out my stories! If you do, don't forget to leave a review!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mocha Fudge brownie sundae!

"You don't only belong to yourself.
There's not a single person in this world who only belongs to himself.
Everybody... Relates to others and shares something with them.
That's why we can't be free of others;
That's what makes us feel joy and sadness and love."- Yuuko-sama; xxxHolic, Chapter 92. CLAMP.

A happy friendships day to one and all!! Yes, I know friendships day has already gone past, and I'm late as usual, but I really don't care :p It gives me an excuse to talk about the most important ppl in my life- My friends!!
Being an ex army officer's daughter, my childhood was never spent in one place. I stayed at a place for a maximum of 2 to 3 yrs, but I don't think I've ever regreted it. I not only got to see a lot of new places, but meet a variety of people. I could go on about how I remember each one of them, and how each one of them still means a lot to me. But it won't exactly be true. I don't actually remember everyone, but am truly glad I met them all, whether to play, fight, laugh or steal food! I've been one of those lucky ppl who always made great friends (and good friends, and just friends)and I srsly wouldn't be who I am without them. So its their fault I'm crazy :p
As I was discussing with Nikita the other day, as we go thro the most important yrs of our teens, friends seem more special than ever. You just can't live without them, and some seem closer than family! For once, I find myself dreading the very idea of moving to place else. Its just not going to be the same.
So yeah, I'd like to dedicate this entry to all my friends, and not just my best friends I meet everyday in school and otherwise, friends I meet just occasionly, friends I've known all my life(or a majority of it), friends I've met in different corners of the country. At some point, you've made me laugh, cry, smile, think, blabber, listen and just simply live. All of you have changed my life in some little way. As Bilbo Baggins said at his 111st b'day party, and I quote -"I don't know half of you as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you as well as you deserve" :p Even if I forget you, as I'm prone to doing, being the horrible person I am, you will always be special to me.
You all rock!!
