Monday, May 12, 2008

Second Serve

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"

Hmm, more than a week since my last post. but hey, I was busy! Lesse....first there was Bhavna's birthday, which was a blast! seriously, close friends birthdays are almost as good as your own. The fun you have together, the suspense and excitement of planning surprises,watching with glee as they're pulled of successfully, even watching the other person open gifts, in short, simply revelling in their happiness, is great.
Also bhavna treated us to lunch at 100 degrees, where we had the buffet. It was simply amazing!! it had everything from chat to pizza to chinese to biryani...and the desserts!! there was icecream, gulab jamun, raisin pudding, pinnaple cake and mini pastries. to top it all, we ordered a chocolate fondue( It was SO good that I thought i had died and gone to heaven!) and the administration gave us a free cake for bhavna's birthday! The cake was scrumplicious, with an entire layer of liquid chocolate*drools* But the best part was the look on bhavna's face when they put d happy birthday song on the loudspeaker!!
Spent two days at my Tatagaru's house ( my mom's uncle) as parents had to go to bombay to collect their Visa's. They are going on a tour to U.K. and some other countries for a month, so me and my sister are going to stay in sainikpuri at afforementioned relative's place. sure, staying at someone elses place is never completely OK, but tatagaru's is as good as it gets. His cook's meals are delicious, and since i'm not allowed to use the internet, and the t.v. in our room has animax only at night (nooooo) i mite finally be able to get some studying done. which is sad, but also good for me, I suppose.

Page classes dragging on as ever, and i'm busy packing. it'll seriously take Superman's strenght to lift my suitcase, and I swear I packed only the essentials.
the best news I've heard in a while is this:- Nikita's getting a dog!!!! WOOHOOO YAY HOORAH !!!!!:D
I'm Sooooo happy for her! mostly its a black cockerspaniel, and i can't wait to see the little angel!!
well, thats it for now. it'll prolly be a month before I type next, unless I manage to find some way to gain access to the net. tell you about the summer then!

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