There's not a single person in this world who only belongs to himself.
Everybody... Relates to others and shares something with them.
That's why we can't be free of others;
That's what makes us feel joy and sadness and love."- Yuuko-sama; xxxHolic, Chapter 92. CLAMP.
A happy friendships day to one and all!! Yes, I know friendships day has already gone past, and I'm late as usual, but I really don't care :p It gives me an excuse to talk about the most important ppl in my life- My friends!!
Being an ex army officer's daughter, my childhood was never spent in one place. I stayed at a place for a maximum of 2 to 3 yrs, but I don't think I've ever regreted it. I not only got to see a lot of new places, but meet a variety of people. I could go on about how I remember each one of them, and how each one of them still means a lot to me. But it won't exactly be true. I don't actually remember everyone, but am truly glad I met them all, whether to play, fight, laugh or steal food! I've been one of those lucky ppl who always made great friends (and good friends, and just friends)and I srsly wouldn't be who I am without them. So its their fault I'm crazy :p
As I was discussing with Nikita the other day, as we go thro the most important yrs of our teens, friends seem more special than ever. You just can't live without them, and some seem closer than family! For once, I find myself dreading the very idea of moving to place else. Its just not going to be the same.
So yeah, I'd like to dedicate this entry to all my friends, and not just my best friends I meet everyday in school and otherwise, friends I meet just occasionly, friends I've known all my life(or a majority of it), friends I've met in different corners of the country. At some point, you've made me laugh, cry, smile, think, blabber, listen and just simply live. All of you have changed my life in some little way. As Bilbo Baggins said at his 111st b'day party, and I quote -"I don't know half of you as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you as well as you deserve" :p Even if I forget you, as I'm prone to doing, being the horrible person I am, you will always be special to me.
You all rock!!
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