Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mocha Fudge brownie sundae!

"You don't only belong to yourself.
There's not a single person in this world who only belongs to himself.
Everybody... Relates to others and shares something with them.
That's why we can't be free of others;
That's what makes us feel joy and sadness and love."- Yuuko-sama; xxxHolic, Chapter 92. CLAMP.

A happy friendships day to one and all!! Yes, I know friendships day has already gone past, and I'm late as usual, but I really don't care :p It gives me an excuse to talk about the most important ppl in my life- My friends!!
Being an ex army officer's daughter, my childhood was never spent in one place. I stayed at a place for a maximum of 2 to 3 yrs, but I don't think I've ever regreted it. I not only got to see a lot of new places, but meet a variety of people. I could go on about how I remember each one of them, and how each one of them still means a lot to me. But it won't exactly be true. I don't actually remember everyone, but am truly glad I met them all, whether to play, fight, laugh or steal food! I've been one of those lucky ppl who always made great friends (and good friends, and just friends)and I srsly wouldn't be who I am without them. So its their fault I'm crazy :p
As I was discussing with Nikita the other day, as we go thro the most important yrs of our teens, friends seem more special than ever. You just can't live without them, and some seem closer than family! For once, I find myself dreading the very idea of moving to place else. Its just not going to be the same.
So yeah, I'd like to dedicate this entry to all my friends, and not just my best friends I meet everyday in school and otherwise, friends I meet just occasionly, friends I've known all my life(or a majority of it), friends I've met in different corners of the country. At some point, you've made me laugh, cry, smile, think, blabber, listen and just simply live. All of you have changed my life in some little way. As Bilbo Baggins said at his 111st b'day party, and I quote -"I don't know half of you as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you as well as you deserve" :p Even if I forget you, as I'm prone to doing, being the horrible person I am, you will always be special to me.
You all rock!!


Friday, July 18, 2008

Subway's Veggie Delight :p

Currently listening to

"And I don't want the world to see me,
cuz I don't think that they'd understand.
When everything's meant to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am."

- Iris, by the Goo Goo Dolls

Time to torture people again! Life's become insanely busy(tho I still don't seem to get any work done :p) and parents even more strict, but I manage.
So today in school was the yearly CCA competition....Essay, slogan and poetry writing. The topics were incredibly stupid, but it was compulsory. So I was forced to compose a a poem on the topic 'Give us back our beautiful Earth' (yuck). It was written in midst of a splitting headache and the usual insane laughter, but pls don't let that affect your judgement ;)

Give us back our beautiful Earth

Blighted dead land where once deer bounded,
Desert and dry sand where once the lion's roar sounded.
Green Flora to parched brown gives birth,
As ghosts of Fauna cry" Give us back our beautiful Earth"

Clear blue turns to oily black,
And froth replaced by bodies, dead and slack.
Poseidon defeated in an acid game,
"Give us back our beautiful Earth", the fish exclaim.

Plastic, waste and smokey sky,
Now are the reason for a child's cry.
When will the humans sway,
"Give us back our beautiful Earth", will they say?

Well, that's that. But even tho the topic might suck for poetry writing, I'm प्रेत्टी much into environmental awareness(if that's the term I'm looking for; can't think straight due to aforementioned headache) It's after all one of the most serious problems we face. I mean, its no longer something that might affect only future generations; recent studies show that the next ice age could happen in the next 40-50 yrs, which is definitely within our life times. Of course, I'm no one to preach ( I can barely keep my room clean) .But unless we all like to be refrigerated, each of us needs to contribute. It doesn't take much effort, you know. For example, these are the few things I find I can do:-
* Use an ink pen or one of those recycled pens whenever possible (less plastic!)
* Use recycled paper notebooks for rough etc, and reuse all old notebooks with blank pages.
* When shopping, don't take a polythene bag unless absolutely necessary.
* Keep taps closed (especially while brushing- you save a litre of water!) and lights off......It even saves money!
* Dissuade parents from using the Tata Safari instead of the normal car, cuz an SUV causes 50% more global warming. ( hmm, this attempt has been unsuccessful so far!)
*Don't burn crackers on Diwali- they cause three types of pollution all at once- air, noise and littering! Its just as much fun to watch others do it. Or find some other Eco-friendly way to spend Diwali.
Like I said doesn't take much effort. Remember, life can be pretty lousy when the Earth's covered in metres of ice!


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Today's special

"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right."
-Liesel, The Book Thief

I'm Back! And I have a very special anouncement to make. In a fit of temporary insanity, I, Kavya Jayakar, have decided to write a story. A fanfic, to be precise.
Its a gakuen Alice(Alice academy) fic, and is a vampire story.(had to be, I'm part vampire myself XP) I would greatly appreciate it if you could just take the time to read it and tell me how I'm doing.So far only a prologue and the 1st chapter are up. Be warned tho, being an anime fic its primarily a romance, and since I'm writing it, its bound to be filled with fluff.
here's the link:-
Pls do leave a review!
Well, what with this fic to write too, Life's super busy. Between classes and school and all the horrid studying I have to do..... but its great to be finally home. I got a lot of great stuff from europe, chocolates and my mobile back, so I'm happy. Now if only my school would go up in smoke:p


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Strawberry Surprise

"The most fun thing in the world is the unexepted "
-Eriol, Cardcaptor Sakura manga

Rite, so i said I won't post again for a month, bbbuuuuutttt I just had to come online to.........SSSSHHHRRRIEEEKKK!!!!

I got a new MOBILE!!me, a cellphone, and brand new ownership!
It was a complete surprise. While dropping me off to Page class, Dad suddenly goes like," I'm going 2 need a different phone for our trip. how about I buy one now, and then you can have it? "
Just like that, I find myself mobile shopping after class. we went to the mobile store in A.S. Rao Nagar.and my new mobile is- a Nokia 3500 classic. its amazing. Its got everything-2 megapixel camera with video recording, 256 MB memory card thats expandable to 2 MB, bluetooth, FM, speakers, mp3 player.....and its black with a silver border!!!
so now, if I just expand d memory, I don't even need a new MP4 player!!!
Now I seriously do have everything I want.
Its seems totally unreal that I am the brand new owner of a cell phone. I guess cuz for the next one month its going to b with my parents, but still, it is mine. wow.
so now i have only one problem. I have nothing left to ask for my b'day!
Kidding,Kidding!!*tries to dogde various projectiles being thrown in her direction*
so my life's great and the only dark spot mite b d insane amount of studying I havta do, but besides tht,

Monday, May 12, 2008

Second Serve

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"

Hmm, more than a week since my last post. but hey, I was busy! Lesse....first there was Bhavna's birthday, which was a blast! seriously, close friends birthdays are almost as good as your own. The fun you have together, the suspense and excitement of planning surprises,watching with glee as they're pulled of successfully, even watching the other person open gifts, in short, simply revelling in their happiness, is great.
Also bhavna treated us to lunch at 100 degrees, where we had the buffet. It was simply amazing!! it had everything from chat to pizza to chinese to biryani...and the desserts!! there was icecream, gulab jamun, raisin pudding, pinnaple cake and mini pastries. to top it all, we ordered a chocolate fondue( It was SO good that I thought i had died and gone to heaven!) and the administration gave us a free cake for bhavna's birthday! The cake was scrumplicious, with an entire layer of liquid chocolate*drools* But the best part was the look on bhavna's face when they put d happy birthday song on the loudspeaker!!
Spent two days at my Tatagaru's house ( my mom's uncle) as parents had to go to bombay to collect their Visa's. They are going on a tour to U.K. and some other countries for a month, so me and my sister are going to stay in sainikpuri at afforementioned relative's place. sure, staying at someone elses place is never completely OK, but tatagaru's is as good as it gets. His cook's meals are delicious, and since i'm not allowed to use the internet, and the t.v. in our room has animax only at night (nooooo) i mite finally be able to get some studying done. which is sad, but also good for me, I suppose.

Page classes dragging on as ever, and i'm busy packing. it'll seriously take Superman's strenght to lift my suitcase, and I swear I packed only the essentials.
the best news I've heard in a while is this:- Nikita's getting a dog!!!! WOOHOOO YAY HOORAH !!!!!:D
I'm Sooooo happy for her! mostly its a black cockerspaniel, and i can't wait to see the little angel!!
well, thats it for now. it'll prolly be a month before I type next, unless I manage to find some way to gain access to the net. tell you about the summer then!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

First Course

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

Rite, so here I go again with a brand new blog! as if i'd give up on something tht allows me 2 rant non-stop....even if there is only one person listening, last I checked (luv ya nikita!).
Hopefully this one will be more succesful!
In contrast 2 my last blog, lets start this one with just how perfect my life is! I'm in a wierdly-for-no-reason-happy mood, so dont blame me if u get jealous of d glossed over details of my life!:p

KAVYA'S BLESSINGS (in no particular order)

1 I get (almost) everything i want-like internet, food, books, all things tht my happiness originates from, I name it, I have it!!:D
2 I have broad-minded parents, who have wierd ways of showing it, but yeah, love me and indulge me FAR more than they ought 2, and will prolly put up with my radical independent girl thoughts when i have them later.
3 I live in a Fantastic, amazing house, with an entire floor almost 2 myself, a room thts everything i ever wanted(mayb cuz i asked dad 2 make it tht way..hehe) a bathtub, a 6-feet window, a staircase tht ensures tht i for one never have 2 worry about exercise (shudder), all located in a fantastic, green colony, the only downside being tht its in d corner of the middle of nowhere, but I manage:D
4 i have wonderful,loving,supportin,crazy,constantly-driving-me-up-the-wall, Imperfectly Perfect friends, who luv me for d crazy gal I am!
5 the knowledge tht i deserve none of the above, which makes it all the more precious!!

ofcourse, I have my share of problems(believe me i do!).....but i'll tell you about those when i'm deppressed.
so tomorrow is bhavna's b'day, and i'm going 2 her place tonight! gonna spend d day freaking out with her and nikz.....and considering its my only outing this summer, i hope i have loads of fun.
School's out and d hols have started, but in no way does it mean a break from studying for me...WAAAAAHHHH:((
i loathe studying. i swear i'm physically incapable of studying!
As usual i have no idea where my life's goin, but thts wats great about it!
anyway, thts ot for my 1st mite or mite not b good, but remember, u clicked on tht link!(and i swear i didnt use voodoo 2 make u do it *innocent face*)
There is never an end, but always a new beggining