Reporting after 3 months, having survived hell itself. Those who have experienced it will sympathise. As for those who haven't, let me tell you; the time of college entrances has more horror than The Ring, The Grudge, and The Exorcist combined. And you thought the board exams were enough tension.
This is the time when everything you knew : about yourself, about your subject, and about the world; is taken together, disproved, and then attributed to someone else. Nothing is assured. In fat, its morbidly fascinating. You pick a random person, and guess; which entrances will they write? What will be their rank? Which stream, which city, which college? The answers are usually surprising.And of course, all of this is just to shut up the voices in your own head, asking the same questions about yourself.
Looks like they managed to drive you crazy after all.
So here I am, at the better side of hell. My result? Well, I got through Manipal. Yea, I'd rather not talk about the other six places I applied to. One of the secrets to keeping your sanity is denial; who cares how I performed in those?
Actually I'm pretty happy. Manipal might be a dead expensive private engineering college (every one of those five words depressing) but its got excellent infrastructure, and all in all might be the perfect place for a spoilt brat like me. And I got a decent rank, so I'll get a good stream. At least I know where I'm going. There are so many who have no idea where they might be sleeping the next month.
Speaking of which, the general public view towards hostels surprises and irritates me. For me, its a given. College and hostels go together. (with independence tagging along ;) ) And yet, everyone from my relatives to random bankers ask my parents, "How come you're sending your daughter so far away?" And it's not because I'm a girl or anything. I've known guys whose parents make even more of a fuss. How do you reply to something that questions a thing you've taken for granted? Its just weird. I mean, we all have to leave home someday, whether now, or four years later.
It hasn't sunk in though, the fact that in about a month I'll be gone from home. I guess it'll hit me later. In the meantime, my family has gained an appreciation for me like never before. I think I'll just bask in the attention for now. :)
Oh yea, and PARTY! After 3 years (since tenth) I finally don't have to even think about studying. I just came back after 4 fun filled days at Nikita's place, which were especially amazing because Nikita WON the Secunderabad May Queen!!! It took a lot of hard work on her part (and some boredom and menial tasks for me and a few others :p ) but it totally paid off. She at least, will be partying all month, if her prize vouchers are anything to go buy ;p
Plus, visited the chocolate room ( awesome place, everything from chocolate pizzas to chocolate pancakes) , the new '70 mm' Havemore (love the decor; and the prices!) and of course GVK One ( Huge, and stuffed with so many brands that your eyes hurt).
My counselling is coming up on the tenth, so I FINALLY get to go out of town (I had actually started to miss the sight of a railway station). Yay for shopping in Bangalore and beaches in Mangalore! oh, and a little hoot for getting a seat in Manipal too, I suppose.
So until the next time I manage to drag myself to the keyboard to bore you all.
With words,