"The most fun thing in the world is the unexepted "
-Eriol, Cardcaptor Sakura manga
Rite, so i said I won't post again for a month, bbbuuuuutttt I just had to come online to.........SSSSHHHRRRIEEEKKK!!!!
I got a new MOBILE!!me, a cellphone, and brand new ownership!
It was a complete surprise. While dropping me off to Page class, Dad suddenly goes like," I'm going 2 need a different phone for our trip. how about I buy one now, and then you can have it? "
Just like that, I find myself mobile shopping after class. we went to the mobile store in A.S. Rao Nagar.and my new mobile is- a Nokia 3500 classic. its amazing. Its got everything-2 megapixel camera with video recording, 256 MB memory card thats expandable to 2 MB, bluetooth, FM, speakers, mp3 player.....and its black with a silver border!!!
so now, if I just expand d memory, I don't even need a new MP4 player!!!
Now I seriously do have everything I want.
Its seems totally unreal that I am the brand new owner of a cell phone. I guess cuz for the next one month its going to b with my parents, but still, it is mine. wow.
so now i have only one problem. I have nothing left to ask for my b'day!
Kidding,Kidding!!*tries to dogde various projectiles being thrown in her direction*
so my life's great and the only dark spot mite b d insane amount of studying I havta do, but besides tht,